A project of


Nearly two decades of Mountain Birdwatch is helping biologists, land managers, and policy makers make sound bird conservation decisions.

Mountain Birdwatch data have been used to analyze how climate change will impact high-elevation bird populations, establish protective management zones in the Green Mountain and White Mountain National Forests, and appropriately site radio towers, wind turbines, and ski trails so as to minimize disturbance to songbirds. We recently published the first fine-scale population estimate for Bicknell’s Thrush–entirely from Mountain Birdwatch data. The resulting article in Ecosphere can be read online for free, and you can interact with or download our online abundance map.


We’re continually analyzing these data to help us in understanding how songbird populations are changing in our mountains. We welcome data requests and requests for collaboration.  The following data are available as open data:

  • Vermont Center for Ecostudies. Mountain Birdwatch 2.0: 2010-2018. KNB Data Repository. 10.5063/F1XW4H49.
  • Vermont Center for Ecostudies, J. D. Lambert, and J. Hart. 2015. Mountain Birdwatch 1.0: 2000-2010. KNB Data Repository. doi:10.5063/F1DN430G


State of the Mountain Birds